
14th Kamennoostrovsky bridge

Stone Island
Opened in
1904, 1949–1951
Big Canal
Length, m
Width, m
P.V. Andreevsky

The 14th Kamennoostrovsky Bridge is thrown over the Big (Nameless) canal of Kamenny Island at the place where the canal flows into the Krestovka River.

This channel connecting the Krestovka River with Bolshaya Nevka was dug in the first half of the 19th century. Subsequently, the northern part of the canal is filled up. In 1904, three wooden five-span crossings were thrown across the canal.

Bridges were repeatedly repaired in a tree. In 1937-1938, in connection with the cleaning and deepening of the canal, they were dismantled.

In the years 1949-1951 according to the project of engineer P.V. Andreevsky new metal bridges were build over the canal. Then, in the 1950s,  they “counted” the bridges on Kamenny Island and gave them names, so this bridge became the 14th Kamennoostrovsky.

The bridge was repaired several times, but by the 2010s it was completely dilapidated, and it was decided to build a new one. During the work, which was carried out from October 2014 to May 2015, a temporary pedestrian bridge was built. The grand opening of the new crossing took place on May 29, 2015. At the same time, the ferry completely retained its former architectural appearance.

The bridge is 22.5 meters long and 13.1 meters wide. The bridge is a three-span beam-split system, with a metal span. The abutments and supports are reinforced concrete, pile. Railings - metal welded lattices of a simple pattern, fixed between metal pedestals.

The 14th Kamennoostrovsky bridge provides transport and pedestrian access to the Central Park of Culture and Rest. The bridge is maintained by SPb GBU Mostotrest.

Near the bridge are outstanding monuments of wooden architecture of the XIX century. Among them - the "Old" or Kamennoostrovsky Theater, the only surviving wooden theater in Russia, built in 1827 in the classicism style, designed by architects S.L. Shustova and A.K. Kavos. Today, here is the stage of the Bolshoi Drama Theater (BDT) named after G.A. Tovstonogov.

Another amazing building near the bridge is the mansion of Countess Maria Kleinmichel. The monument of wooden architecture of the Art Nouveau style, it was erected at the end of the XIX century. Here, in the country house, reminiscent of a fairytale castle, before the 1917 revolution, the famous costume balls were held, where all the great society of St. Petersburg gathered.