The price is for the whole group. Start of the tour at a convenient time.

Three cathedrals – three masterpieces

A walk through the center of St. Petersburg with a visit to three of the city's main churches


2–2,5 hr
Opening hours
By prior order
6500 rub. *
The price is for the whole group. Start of the tour at a convenient time.

What can you expect?

The walking tour through the historical center of St. Petersburg introduces tourists to the most famous Orthodox churches of the Northern Capital — St. Isaac’s Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral and the Church of the Savior on the Blood. Built at different times, they do not resemble each other, and each is beautiful in its own way. All three cathedrals are active.

On the excursion you will visit three cathedrals, learn interesting, little-known facts from their history, admire their luxurious decoration, and in St. Isaac’s Cathedral, if you wish, you can climb the colonnade, where you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the city.

Individual walking tour in the center of St. Petersburg
Visit to the most famous Orthodox churches
Unique masterpieces of architecture of three different eras
St. Isaac's Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral, Savior on the Blood
Fascinating story of the guide – an expert in the history of St. Petersburg
The excursion starts at a convenient day and time (except Wednesday)
+7 (812) 611-30-12
Book by phone

Route and content of the tour

In program

Our walk starts at St. Isaac’s Square at a convenient time (every day except Wednesday). You will be accompanied along the way by a licensed guide — an expert in the history and architecture of St. Petersburg.

The first cathedral on our route is St. Isaac’s Cathedral. Do you know that the present cathedral is the fourth church in honor of St. Isaac of Dalmatia erected in this part of St. Petersburg? The first St. Isaac’s Church was built in the early 18th century, where Peter the Great and Catherine the Great were married.

You will learn:

  • What were the first, second and third churches of St. Isaac of Dalmatia, and why did the Rinaldi-Brenna cathedral provoke ridicule from contemporaries?
  • When and how was Auguste Montferrand’s current St. Isaac’s Cathedral built, and what does the installation of the Alexander Column on Palace Square have to do with this project?
  • What is the height of the St. Isaac’s Cathedral? At what height is the colonnade located? How many steps lead to it?
  • When, how and why did the Foucault pendulum appear in the cathedral and where is it now?
  • ...and much more about the history and architecture of St. Isaac’s Cathedral.

If you wish, we will go up to the colonnade, from where a bird’s-eye view of the Neva and the entire center of St. Petersburg opens up.

Further our way lies along Nevsky Prospekt towards the Kazan Cathedral. This cathedral was built according to the project of architect Andrei Voronikhin for 10 years. The competition for its creation was held during the reign of Paul I, and the temple was laid and consecrated during the reign of Alexander I — both times in the presence of the Emperor.

Kazan Cathedral marks the beginning of the golden period of Russian architecture and is famous for its exterior, which is unusual for Russian architecture. In the plan of the Kazan Cathedral is a “Latin cross”, from the north it is framed by an external colonnade, and in the triangular pediment you can see the Masonic sign — the symbol of the “All-Seeing Eye”. The fact is that the architect Andrei Voronikhin, and the supervisor of construction Count Alexander Stroganov, and Alexander I himself were prominent members of the Masonic lodge.

The third temple on our way is the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, erected in memory of the murdered in 1881 Emperor Alexander II and popularly known as the Savior on the Blood.The solemn consecration and opening of the temple took place on August 19, 1907.

Did you know that:

  • Inside the cathedral, a tent sienna was erected over the place where Alexander II was wounded; under it, fragments of the cobblestone sidewalk, sidewalk slabs and the grating of the canal on which the Tsar’s blood was spilled are preserved.
  • The Savior on the Blood is crowned by nine domes.Jeweled enamel was used to cover five of them — a unique solution for temple architecture.
  • The mosaic decoration of the cathedral is one of the largest collections of monumental mosaics in Europe. Its total area exceeds 7,000 square meters, and mosaic paintings represent 68 subjects on biblical and evangelical themes.
  • The bridge spanning the Catherine Canal near the construction site of the church was named after the terrorist Ignatiy Grinevitsky, the murderer of Alexander II, for a long time.

Today the Savior on the Blood is a functioning Orthodox church and at the same time a branch of the state museum-monument “St. Isaac’s Cathedral”.


The excursion is individual. You can go on a trip alone or as a couple, with a family or a large company — we have a fixed price for the whole excursion, depending on the number of people.

*1-4 people — 6500 rubles.

Entrance to the Kazan Cathedral is free. Tickets to St. Isaac’s Cathedral and the Savior on the Blood are purchased separately. We will help you to buy tickets in advance.

To choose the most convenient day and time of the excursion, make an order at least 24 hours before the beginning. Otherwise, we will only be able to offer you options based on the availability of our guides.

If you have a change of plans and you want to cancel the tour after payment — no problem, we will refund your money!

Please note!

Excursion bureau “Petersburg 24” is ready to develop for you an individual excursion program for one or several days — based on your wishes on themes and routes, time and cost. Beginning and ending of excursions — in any place convenient for you, at a time convenient for you.

The cost is calculated individually.

To learn more details and order the service, call us: +7 (812) 611-30-12 or e-mail: zakaz@petersburg24.ru.

Свидетельства очевидцев

09 января 2024

Очень здорово, что появилась такая экскурсия! В прошлом году мы с мужем и сыном ездили на обзорную экскурсию и были немного разочарованы, что за 3 часа не успеваем зайти в храмы, был только внешний осмотр. А в этот раз и на колоннаду Исаакия поднялись, и мозаики в Спасе на крови посмотрели. Отличная программа!

10 декабря 2023

Были в воскресенье на экскурсии по трем соборам. Действительно три шедевра! Очень многого не знали о них, спасибо экскурсоводу Наталье за интересный рассказ. Потрясающее впечатление произвел Спас на Крови с его роскошной мозаикой, просто голова закружилась! На колоннаду Исакиевского собора, к сожалению, не поднимались - погода была холодная. В следующий раз хотим посетить "Исаакий" отдельно и тогда уже поднимемся обязательно. 

Отзыв на экскурсию

Для того чтобы оставить отзыв, вам нужно быть нашим клиентом. После оказания услуги вы получите ссылку на форму отправки отзыва.

Если ссылка не пришла, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с менеджером.

Order an excursion

The excursion bureau "Petersburg 24" invites you to individual excursions with experienced local historians - specialists in the history and architecture of St. Petersburg.

Enjoy fun walks and travel in a comfortable car on routes not found in traditional travel guides.

You will discover new sides of the world famous sights of the Northern capital, look into secret corners that only locals know about, learn little-known facts and legends of one of the most mysterious and mystical cities in the world.

St. Petersburg is beautiful all year round - not only during the white nights season, when millions of tourists flock to the banks of the Neva, but also in golden autumn, crystal winter and spring awakening days.
The excursion bureau "Petersburg 24" has developed excursions for you for all seasons. At the same time, we always build a route and a guide's story, taking into account the weather and your wishes.

To choose the day and time of the excursion most convenient for you, place your order at least 24 hours before the start.

Three cathedrals – three masterpieces

6 500 руб

— количество человек *

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