The price is for the whole group. Start of the tour at a convenient time. Exclusive program

Rasputin Petersburg: secrets of the empire

Exclusive tour: unknown facts about the life and death of Grigory Rasputin

Business tourism

5 hr
Working days
Opening hours
By prior order
125000 rub. *
The price is for the whole group. Start of the tour at a convenient time. Exclusive program

What can you expect?

Grigory Rasputin is one of the most famous persons in the history of Russia and, perhaps, its most mysterious character. An exclusive tour of the places of Rasputin in St. Petersburg with a personal guide - the famous writer, historian and TV presenter Oleg Shishkin awaits you.

You will learn a lot of new and unexpected things about the life of the imperial capital in the pre-revolutionary days, reveal the secret of the murder of Rasputin based on the original materials of the investigation, visit the last apartment of Rasputin (today it is a private territory).

Exclusive excursion with the author of a sensational book about Rasputin
Private tour of the places of a mysterious historical character
Facts about the life and death of Rasputin unknown to the general public
Unique materials of a true criminal case of murder
Secret pages of the history of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the XX century
Visit to the last apartment of the legendary favorite of the royal family
+7 (812) 611-30-12
Book by phone

Route and content of the tour

In program

Oleg Shishkin is the author of the book The Last Secret of Rasputin and the forthcoming guidebook Rasputin Petersburg. This is the first book in the world written on the materials of a genuine criminal case about the murder of Rasputin, which was kept in the archives of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Empire.

He plots a route not only along the biographical, but also on the conspiratorial, intimate, hedonistic tracks of Grigory Rasputin. These milestones will lead you to the sights of St. Petersburg associated with the life and death of this famous favorite of the royal family.

The closeness to the imperial couple lifted Rasputin to the crest of public interest and created an unprecedented excitement around his name. Having received all the attributes of a media personality, Grigory Efimovich became the main newsmaker of the Russian Empire.

But his high position made him the subject of close attention of the Security Department, the Palace Police and counterintelligence. Therefore, today we have materials that reveal the detailed topography of his routes, the names and addresses of the people with whom he communicated, the places he liked to visit, his tastes and erotic preferences. The excursion is based on these unique materials.

The tour of Rasputin St. Petersburg begins ... at the Pushkin Museum on the Moika Embankment 12. Amazing already? Yes, in this house there was once not only the apartment of the great Russian poet, but for a long time the "secret police" was located - the "Department for the Protection of Public Safety and Order in St. Petersburg", created in 1866.

Next you will visit:

  • Alexander Nevsky Lavra;
  • Beloselsky-Belozersky palace;
  • courtyards of Tolstoy's house on the Fontanka emb., 54 / Rubinstein st., 15-17.
  • apartment 20 in the house on Gorokhovaya st., 64 - the place of the last address of Rasputin, before his murder.

The tour program includes lunch at the Gymnasium restaurant on 21 Konnogvardeisky Boulevard, during which the tour will continue in the format of a conversation with an expert about the secrets of Rasputin's life and death and about the hidden pages of Russian history.


You can order an excursion by calling the Excursion Bureau +7 (812) 611-30-12 or by e-mail zakaz@petersburg24.ru - at least a week before your chosen date. Oleg Shishkin himself will contact you to clarify the details.

After agreeing on the date and time of the tour, you will need to make a payment.

You can go on an excursion alone, with a family or a friendly company, with a group of colleagues or business partners - we have a fixed price for the entire group.

All our excursions are conducted in accordance with the COVID restrictions introduced on the territory of St. Petersburg.

Отзыв на экскурсию

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Если ссылка не пришла, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с менеджером.

Order an excursion

The excursion bureau "Petersburg 24" invites you to individual excursions with experienced local historians - specialists in the history and architecture of St. Petersburg.

Enjoy fun walks and travel in a comfortable car on routes not found in traditional travel guides.

You will discover new sides of the world famous sights of the Northern capital, look into secret corners that only locals know about, learn little-known facts and legends of one of the most mysterious and mystical cities in the world.

St. Petersburg is beautiful all year round - not only during the white nights season, when millions of tourists flock to the banks of the Neva, but also in golden autumn, crystal winter and spring awakening days.
The excursion bureau "Petersburg 24" has developed excursions for you for all seasons. At the same time, we always build a route and a guide's story, taking into account the weather and your wishes.

To choose the day and time of the excursion most convenient for you, place your order at least 24 hours before the start.

Rasputin Petersburg: secrets of the empire

125 000 руб

— количество человек *

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