The price is for the whole group. Start and end of the tour at a convenient place and time. Exclusive program; tickets to museums and art galleries are included.

Contemporary art (behind the scenes)

A unique excursion with visits to museums, galleries, exhibitions, artists' workshops

Business tourism

5 hr
Working days
Opening hours
By prior order
89000 rub. *
The price is for the whole group. Start and end of the tour at a convenient place and time. Exclusive program; tickets to museums and art galleries are included.

What can you expect?

Do you want to get fresh impressions and vivid emotions from acquaintance with modern, lively St. Petersburg, which will surprise you, your guests and business partners?

Take an exclusive tour with art critic and producer Svetlana Kalashnikova. She will become your personal guide to the world of contemporary art, and not only to St. Petersburg. You will visit the most interesting artistic locations of the Northern capital and penetrate the holy of holies - the creative "kitchen" of famous St. Petersburg artists.

Exclusive tour to the world of contemporary art in St. Petersburg
Museums, galleries, storerooms, workshops, where only their own
Personal guide - an active participant in the actual art scene
The most important, but not public locations and events of Art Petersburg
The most interesting exhibitions worth visiting our city
+7 (812) 611-30-12
Book by phone

Route and content of the tour

In program

We will show you the city in a new, unusual perspective, accompanied by an active participant in the current art scene. An exclusive private tour will introduce you to insider information from the world of contemporary art and the art market.

Your guide will be Svetlana Kalashnikova, rector of the Institute for Contemporary Art, art advisor, author and producer of educational programs for adults and children. Together with her, you will discover artistic "places of power" that are inaccessible to a wide circle of lovers of beauty, or you will discover from a new angle what you already know.

The art of St. Petersburg is not limited to the Hermitage and the Russian Museum. Our city daily creates its own unique style and experiences in the works of contemporary artists - local, touring, beginners and honored. Finding the most interesting in this variety can only be an expert who knows contemporary art from the inside, first-hand.

Especially for you, Svetlana Kalashnikova will prepare an exclusive tour of the most interesting places with an immersion in the everyday - and at the same time unique - Petersburg creative life. Together with the Russian art critic, you will:

  • take individual excursions to the most important, but not public, art locations of St. Petersburg: museums, art galleries, creative spaces;
  • visit restaurants and bars designed by famous artists, see interesting works that few people know about;
  • find yourself in the museum storerooms, where only “insiders” are allowed;
  • visit the most interesting exhibitions taking place in St. Petersburg during your visit;
  • take a look at the workshops of artists who will share with you their vision of the world.


The route is determined individually with the customer. You can order an excursion by calling the Excursion Bureau +7 (812) 611-30-12 or by e-mail zakaz@petersburg24.ru - at least a week before your chosen date (it is possible later, but then some places where a preliminary agreement is needed won't be included in the route).

Svetlana Kalashnikova will contact you herself, you will share with her your interests in the field of contemporary art, tell her what you would like to see and visit in St. Petersburg. After that, an exclusive excursion program will be drawn up for you, taking into account the most interesting events in the cultural life of the city that will take place on the days of your visit.

The itinerary depends on the presence of the visionaries in St. Petersburg on the date of the order and the exhibitions taking place in the city. As a rule, the route includes 3-5 locations at the request of the customer, with a break for lunch at a restaurant, during which the excursion will continue in the format of an art history discussion.

After agreeing on the date and time of the tour, you will need to make a payment.

You can go on an excursion alone, with a family or a friendly company, with a group of colleagues or business partners - we have a fixed price for the entire group. But no more than 10 people.

All our excursions are conducted in accordance with the COVID restrictions introduced on the territory of St. Petersburg.

Отзыв на экскурсию

Для того чтобы оставить отзыв, вам нужно быть нашим клиентом. После оказания услуги вы получите ссылку на форму отправки отзыва.

Если ссылка не пришла, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с менеджером.

Order an excursion

The excursion bureau "Petersburg 24" invites you to individual excursions with experienced local historians - specialists in the history and architecture of St. Petersburg.

Enjoy fun walks and travel in a comfortable car on routes not found in traditional travel guides.

You will discover new sides of the world famous sights of the Northern capital, look into secret corners that only locals know about, learn little-known facts and legends of one of the most mysterious and mystical cities in the world.

St. Petersburg is beautiful all year round - not only during the white nights season, when millions of tourists flock to the banks of the Neva, but also in golden autumn, crystal winter and spring awakening days.
The excursion bureau "Petersburg 24" has developed excursions for you for all seasons. At the same time, we always build a route and a guide's story, taking into account the weather and your wishes.

To choose the day and time of the excursion most convenient for you, place your order at least 24 hours before the start.

Contemporary art (behind the scenes)

89 000 руб

— количество человек *

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