
SUMMER CAMP 07/19 / Group North-7


Gallery Anna Nova

Zukovskogo st., 28




27 july 2019, 12:00 — 12 october 2019, 19:00


Free of charge

Events / Exhibition

Anna Nova Gallery presents the exhibition summer camp 07/19, dedicated to the seven-year anniversary of the art group Sever-7.

The Summer camp project 07/19 is an experiment in which its participants exchange creative ideas and methods, developing a common artistic language. This is a new experience of the Sever-7 group in their favorite art-ping-pong genre. In the summer camp there will be naive and infantile, touching and teenagerly cruel, terribly beautiful and beautifully terrible, insanity and laid-back laughter. The summer camp is also about a camp in which children's maximalism is adjacent to a stupid aesthetics, and sophisticated art forms are spiced up with sickeningly pink yogurt and are covered with sparkles. In the Anna Nova gallery, Sever-7 will present ceramic vessels decorated with precious stones, painted totem sculptures and masks of North American Indians, artifacts and objects of modern material culture, healthy lifestyle standards and delights of gluten-free Aboriginal diets, female bodybuilding icons and plush cameras in a maximum security prison. Sever-7 invites us to immerse yourself in the life of the summer camp, to understand and study the rites of modern youth, to sing along with the Russian Ark coin, to fall off the skateboard on the asphalt and draw a taboo sign of childhood hateful green paint on the gallery walls. Will we like the unbearable lightness of being a teenager in modern post-apocalyptic society?

Participants in the Summer camp 07/19 project: Nestor Engelke, Anna Andrzhievskaya, Alexander Tsikarishvili, Sasha Zubritskaya, Pyotr Dyakov, Lisa Tsikarishvili, Nestor Kharchenko, Leonid Tskhe, Oleg Khmelev, Tanya Chernomordova, Vadim Mikhailov, Ivan Chemakin, Antonina Fathullina.