
Daniil Spiridonov. OFFSET



13th line of V.O., 70-72




05 october 2021, 11:00 — 07 november 2021, 22:00


Free of charge

Events / Exhibition

Cartoon characters fall apart into atoms: The Artmuza Museum will present a bold attempt to break human perception through world-renowned visual imagery.

The conceptual OFFSET project was intuitively created by graffiti artist Daniil Spiridonov. The name of the exhibition is borrowed from programming terminology, which inevitably refers to glitch, code errors, futuristic and often fanciful Internet aesthetics. All paintings in the series are built on the same principle: it can be described by the effect of a frozen graphics editor, mixing layers and shapes. Chaotic and busy, at first glance, the picture reveals in itself a form subordinate to a certain logic. The topic of logic, taken as a whole, unites the works of the entire series, but the artist deliberately mixes the human way of looking at things with the impeccable harmony of computer code, errors in which look illogical only for the untrained.

Daniil Spiridonov chose animation as the basis for his experiments, because he wanted to leave his project in a visual framework cleared of acute context, without political or social connotations. “The bottom line is that the viewer recognizes familiar images, but not immediately. For a fraction of a second, the brain rummages through the memory, and each picture refers to a separate category of people. "

The exhibition takes place in the Malevich Street gallery (3rd floor).