0Kontrol was born about halfway between St. Petersburg and Brussels as an Internet project. Vova 4.44, the leader of the group The Quinsy, and Masha Kasha, a journalist in the field of synthpop, decided that they were tired of the same type of electro with standard texts, recalling in parallel all the merits of the old school electroveiling. Among the groups that influenced their style were Front 242, Frontline Assembly, Dead Cause, We Are Temporary, Qantal, Delerium, Garmarna and others.
It turned out as quite a non-standard sound, which the musicians themselves dubbed “atomwave”. Atomwave was born from atompunk aesthetics - it is an old-school electrowave, with multi-layered female and male vocals and lyrics in various languages that were written under the influence of scientific terms. 0Kontrol is characterized by a sound that balances on the verge of cunning anger and naivety, with energetic beats and psychedelic synths.
When the duo began performing live, drummer Konstantin Stanis1avsky joined them. Concerts of 0Kontrol always diluted with live instruments and dark, grotesque drama!
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