09 november 2019, 19:00 — 10 november 2019, 05:00
from 1 500 rub
Events / Festival
On November 3, the thirteenth festival of electronic music and audiovisual art will be held in St. Petersburg. "Electro-Mechanics" annually brings to St. Petersburg the most current areas of electronic music and audiovisual art, installations and performances.
Line-up: Amnesia Scanner (DE), Alexander Robotnick(IT), Lucrecia Dalt (CO), Eva Geist (IT), Kaukolampi (FIN), LesTrucs (DE), LVRIN, Priroda, Ilya Artemov, Wolffflow and Bees and Cobras, Petrogradsky Buzzing Assembly, Måla, Ghostnoir, Sobranie 8 18.